As Mahjong 1.0 approaches, I have a wish to try out other engines to see if they possibly fit better than what we use. To speed up the process, I need to know what we use exactly.
MJIN: * Ogre::Singleton template; * Ogre::LogManager to redirect OGRE internal logging to Mahjong log; * Ogre::String type (aka typedef std::string); * Ogre::ConfigFile to read INI-like files; * Ogre::DataStream(Ptr) to manage sound streams as Ogre resources; * Ogre::Resource to manage sound buffers (small sound files like Click.ogg) as Ogre resources; * Ogre::ResourceManager to manage sound resources in Ogre resource system; * Ogre::RenderWindow for display and input; * Ogre::RenderSystemCapabilities to get info about OpenGL and videocard; * Ogre::StringConverter to convert int/float to String and vice versa; * Ogre::StringUtil for simple pattern matching, string replacing, splitting by token; * Ogre::Texture(Ptr) for render to texture of CEGUI; * Ogre::Camera to view scene; * Ogre::SceneManager to manage nodes; * Ogre::Vector3 for position; * Ogre::Quaternion for rotation; * Ogre::Degree to convert degree to radian for rotation; * Ogre::SceneNode/Entity to present visual entities like tiles, environment, etc which are able to pitch/yaw/roll; * Ogre::ColourValue to represent RGBA colour of lighting, material colour, etc.; * Ogre::MeshManager to manage meshes, scene meshes; * Ogre::Skybox/dome for skybox/dome; * Ogre::Light for lights (we use point light); * Ogre::MaterialManager to manage themes; * Ogre::WindowEventUtitilies to accept RenderWindow events at desired times (each run cycle), to accept close/resize/focus change events; * Ogre::RenderWindow::FrameStats to get FPS and polycount statistics; * game window recreation capability without reloading resources which is achieved by hiding the first RenderWindow and displaying the second one; * convenient material scripts even with inheritance; * Blender OGRE script that converts meshes to XML format; * OgreXMLConverter that converts XML mesh format to binary one understandble by Ogre::MeshManager.
MJ: * Ogre::ResourceGroupManager to manage groups of resources (scenes/themes); * MJ LayoutManager resigered as OgreResourceManager for easy layout handling; * Ogre::OverlayManager to display background for menu, lose/win screens; * Ogre::Ray/SceneQuery/Result to select object by mouse clicks (ray tracing); * Ogre::Viewport as a layer between Ogre::RenderWindow and Ogre::Camera, also allows to switch shadowing on/off; * Ogre::TextureFilterOptions for graphics quality settings; * Ogre::RenderTexture for RTT; * Ogre::ManualObject to draw Shisen-Sho path lines.
MJIN: * OIS::InputManager/Keyboard/Mouse to create/manage keyboard and mouse listeners; * OIS::Key/MouseEvent; * OIS::MouseButtonID; * Key enum values; * keyPress/Release; * mouseMove/Press/Release.
MJIN: * CEGUI::MultiColumnList for table-like display; * CEGUI::ListBox (with possibility to center contents); * CEGUI::Combobox; * CEGUI::Window for static text windows (descriptions); * CEGUI::PushButton; * CEGUI::Key/Window/EventArgs for key/window/general events; * CEGUI::Key enum; * CEGUI::Event::Subscriber for subscribing to events; * CEGUI::Editbox; * CEGUI::Scrollbar; * Scrolled area that we fill with text and it adds Scrollbar; * CEGUI::WindowManager to manage windows/dialogs; * CEGUI::utf8 to convert C strings to CEGUI ones; * CEGUI::String to represent GUI strings; * Redirecting CEGUI internal logging to Mahjong log; * Recreating GUI after recreating second Ogre::RenderWindow used for display; * CEGUI fonts/imagesets/layouts/looknfeel/schemes all handled by CEGUI Ogre resource manager without a problem; * CEGUI::MouseCursor; * CEGUI::OgreRenderer for easy CEGUI Ogre integration; * CEGUI::Texture/Imageset for RTT; * CEGUI::Right/Middel/LeftButton for mouse buttons; * Injecting key/mouse events into CEGUI.
MJ: * CEGUI::Image for RTT; * CEGUI::UVector2/URect/UDim for relational widget positioning; * CEGUI::FontManager/ImagesetManager for re-scaling GUI after game window resize.