
Data structures and algorithms for .NET


Project Moved to Github

A class library providing generic data structures and algorithms not implemented in the standard .NET framework.

NGenerics includes the following:

Data Structures * General - Association, Bag, Graph, HashList, Heap, ObjectMatrix, PascalSet, SkipList, SortedList, Curve, * Mathematical - ComplexNumber, Matrix, Vectors * Queues - CircularQueue, Deque, PriorityQueue * Trees - BinaryTree, BinarySearchTree, GeneralTree, RedBlackTree, SplayTree

Algorithms * Sorting Algorithms - Bubble Sort, Bucket Sort, Cocktail Sort, Comb Sort, Gnome Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Odd-Even Transport Sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort * Other Algorithms in NGenerics - Djikstra's Single Source Shortest Path algorithm, Euclid's Algorithm, Fibonacci number generation, Prim's Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm

Quick Links

DocumentationOnline Wiki Feature RequestsIssues DiscussionsNGenerics on Google Groups CI BuildsCodebetter TeamCity build server AnalyticsNGenerics on Ohloh Source code SVN on Google Code


  • October 2009 - With arrival of our new team member, David Schmitt, NGenerics is adding immutable data structures to its set. Check the repository for latest code.

  • 24 August 2009 - NGenerics 1.4.1 Beta Released

  • 8 August 2009 - Moved NGenerics to Google Code from it's original project site.

  • 25 September 2008 - NGenerics 1.3 Released. The release version has arrived. You can get it here.

  • 7 July 2008 - NGenerics 1.3 Beta Release. It's been a long wait, but it's finally here. Download it here.

News Archive


Current Version - The latest stable release is 1.4.1 (download binaries, docs and source). See the Version History for new features and changes included in this release.

We put in a lot of effort in testing the code and release it only after vigorous error checking. The release package comes ready to use as is. For those on the cutting edge who are after the latest changes and features in NGenerics, the repository is open and available. Of course, when checking out from trunk, the usual disclaimer applies - we would not recommend using non-released code for production environments or critical applications.

The latest build from source can be found on the Codebetter TeamCity build server.


The original implementation was written as an article for Code Project and can be found here. However, you'll be able to find the latest source code and binaries here.

If you use NGenerics in your private/public projects, please let us know on the Ohloh project page - we'll also mention you in our Hall of Fame.

Questions, Feature requests, Bug reports

Any questions you need answered? Try the FAQ first.

You can ask questions in the user group.

Also you can report bugs and ask or vote for new features on Issues page.

Previous Releases

You can find the previous releases in the Downloads section. For a complete history of changes, see the Version History.


The NGenerics Team

Project Information

Datastructures Algorithms Patterns .NET C