Here is a playground with some tips about customizing Liferay. The resulting code can be seen from the "Source" link above. See also Liferay Tips And Tricks
- Change favicon.ico: In reality version 5.2.3 and before use liferay.ico instead. Change it from your theme, deploy it, take a look at the bottom section named "Disabling cache in development environments" and struggle with your browser cache ;-)
cp favicon.ico ~/liferay-components/liferay-plugins-sdk-5.2.3/themes/005E82-theme/docroot/_diffs/images/liferay.ico
- Change the Liferay Logo by your company logo: Just go to Control Pannel; Portal; Settings; Display Settings. Click on Change and point to your png image; Save and click again on Display settings to verify the logo was changed. You can allow community administrators to change the new logo or not from that page.
- Create a custom theme project. I am creating one that will customize Liferay to show a predominant blue (005E82) color
cd liferay-plugins-sdk-5.2.3 ./ 005E82 "Predominant 005E82 r0g94b130" cd 005E82-theme
- Copy necessary folders form an existing theme. Below I use the classic theme.
cp -R /Users/nestor/liferay/src/portal-web/docroot/html/themes/classic/_diffs/* docroot/_diffs/
- Make sure absolutely all changes are done in the _diffs directory
- Update custom.css to adapt to desired background and border colors (in this case 005E82)
- Update navigation.css to adjust the menu look and feel. For example you might want to get rid of the dock menu button image. For that matter you will need create a transparent 1px square png and drop it in_diffs/images/dock/menu_bar.png
- You for sure need a footer and the code for it can be inserted in _diffs/templates/portal_normal.vm
- You can always compare current theme with the one you started it from:
diff -r /Users/nestor/liferay//src/portal-web/docroot/html/themes/classic/_diffs/css docroot/_diffs/css
- Take a look at my results below. I have changed the base color and eliminated some background images:
15d14 < background: transparent url(../images/common/body_bg.png) repeat-x 0 0; 26d24 < background: transparent url(../images/common/banner_bg.jpg) no-repeat 20% 0; 51,53c49,50 < background: url(../images/dock/my_places_public.png) no-repeat 15px 50%; < border-left: 1px solid #D3DADD;
< color: #D3DADD;
border-left: 1px solid #005E82; color: #000; 68d64 < background-image: url(../images/dock/my_places_private.png); 74,75c70,71 < background: #020509;
< border-top: 1px solid #304049;
background: #005E82; border-top: 1px solid #005E82; 87c83
< border: 1px solid #304049;
border: 1px solid #005E82; 94c90
< color: #D3DADD;
color: #fff; 104a101 color: #fff; 108c105
< background-color: #1E2529;
background-color: #005E82; 118c115
< background: #1E2529;
background: #000; 126c123
< background: #1E2529;
background: #005E82; 149c146
< background-color: #020509;
background-color: #005E82; 153c150
< background: #020509 url(../images/navigation/bullet_selected.png) no-repeat 5px 50%;
background: #005E82 url(../images/navigation/bullet_selected.png) no-repeat 5px 50%; 159c156
< background-color: #1E2529;
background-color: #005E82; 201c198
< background: #020509;
background: #005E82; 237c234
< border: 2px solid #828F95;
border: 2px solid #005E82; 243,244c240,241 < background: #D3DADD;
< border-bottom: 1px solid #AEB8BC;
background: #005E82; border-bottom: 1px solid #005E82; 275c272 < }
\ No newline at end of file
< background: url(../images/dock/welcome_message.png) no-repeat 0 50%;
background: #005E82; 122c122
< background: #020509 url(../images/dock/center_bg.png) repeat-x;
background: #005E82; 129d128 < background: url(../images/dock/right_bg.png) no-repeat 100% 0; 138,139c137 < background: url(../images/dock/left_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0;
< border-right: 1px solid #34404F;
border-right: 1px solid #005E82; 156c154
< border-color: #DEDEDE #BFBFBF #BFBFBF #DEDEDE;
border-color: #005E82; 162c160
< border-top: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
border-top: 1px solid #005E82; 206c204
< background-color: #D3DADD;
background-color: #005E82; 238c236
< background-color: #DFF4FF;
background-color: #005E82; 248c246
< background-color: #828F95;
background-color: #005E82; 252c250
< background-color: #828F95;
background-color: #005E82; 257c255
< background-color: #828F95;
background-color: #005E82; 266c264
< border-bottom: 2px solid #DEDEDE;
border-bottom: 2px solid #005E82;
1. Deploy the theme. As I am using an external server to deploy I need to use scp and while the ant script could be changed to do that in one step I put it here separately because still I use my local server instance as well and so I need the ant script to work locally.
ant clean deploy scp ~/liferay-plugin-deploy/005E82-theme- liferay@liferay-glassfish-server:~/liferay-plugin-deploy1. Now go to Liferay and from the Dock Menu select "Manage Pages", click on "Look An Feel" and select the new created theme. See how the creative has changed. 1. Commit to the repository the whole plugin folder but exclude the below folders:
docroot/templates1. Remember to change the theme per community using "Manage Pages" option. Note that for private and public pages you can specify different themes. 1. Configure extension environment to use custom landing page adding the two lines below.
vi ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/src/,
1. Deploy the properties file
cd ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/
ant deploy-properties
1. Create the needed CustomDefaultLandingPageAction class
mkdir -p ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/src/com/ext/portal/events
cp ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-src-5.2.3/portal-impl/src/com/liferay/portal/events/ ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/src/com/ext/portal/events/
1. Start by editing the java class changing its namespace to
vi ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/src/com/ext/portal/events/
1. Include specific business rules to redirect to the proper page according to your needs. You might want to visit to get an idea of the needed code. In my case I modified the code there to redirect the user to his first available community.
1. Deploy the newly created class. The whole ext-impl.jar will be actually deployed:
cd ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl
rm classes/META-INF/*
ant deploy
1. I have mavenized the ext-impl environment and you can find it at Going that path no more ant tasks will be needed to create the ext-impl.jar.
1. Configure email. Edit and deploy
Email Config
1. Send an email
InternetAddress from = new InternetAddress("", "myself");
InternetAddress to = new InternetAddress("", "myself");
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to, "test from liferay", "This is a test message from a Liferay portlet", true);"Test Email Message: "+ message);
1. Remove the Dock (Welcome tab) for non-admin users. In your theme edit docroot/_diffs/templates/portal\_normal.vm as shown below. Do not forget to reinstall the theme ( "ant clean deploy" and make sure the theme is droped into the liferay plugin folder.
#parse ("$full_templates_path/dock.vm")
Disabling cache in development environments
- Take a look at liferay WAR or exploded directory WEB-INF/classes/ file. Do not copy that content in ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl/src/ and if you do you must use a different file for production. Liferay has a better way to deal with it, in order to pull the properties from the developer file just use a special JVM system property. For example in tomcat:
- If you insist on using the (read previous point) then here is a copy of the developer properties:
Eliminating Caching for development environment. Please put true in production systems
1. Only if you are actually changing the properties (again I suggest you use the system properties instead) you will need to deploy properties
cd ~/liferay-components/liferay-portal-ext-5.2.3/ext-impl
ant deploy-properties