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nesemu - issue #2

Games which not run properly

Posted on Dec 20, 2008 by Helpful Bird

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. B-Wings (J).nes makes program crash 2. Jungle Book, The (U).nes after menu black screen, but sound runs

Comment #1

Posted on Dec 20, 2008 by Helpful Bird

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Comment #2

Posted on Dec 20, 2008 by Happy Panda

Fixed B-Wings mapper (185).

Jungle Book is in my list of defective games. I am assuming it is a mapper problem (MMC3 IRQs). Very unlikely it is a NES core problem.

MMC3 IRQ support is slightly incomplete, with most games running. The only setback is keeping the speed up on the PS2 port while implementing a proper MMC3 IRQ system. It will be worked on in the near future.

Comment #3

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Happy Panda

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Comment #4

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Happy Panda

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Comment #5

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Helpful Bird

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Comment #6

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Helpful Bird

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Comment #7

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Helpful Bird

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Comment #8

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Helpful Bird

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Comment #9

Posted on Dec 21, 2008 by Helpful Bird

Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U).nes Big flickering in the 2nd level with trains. Flickering when coming to boss from first level, when there are that lines. And sometimes there appears a short white line at the bottom of the upper pannel.

Ninja Gaiden 3 - The Ancient Ship of Doom (U).nes Cannot run at all.

Alien Syndrome (U).nes After choosing the character, there shows Rounds 1-6, and then glitch and then black screen.

Blaster Master (U).nes Does not load at all and causes program crash.

Bram Stoker's Dracula (U).nes Graphic glitches on the bottom of the screen, not presented in FCEu emulator.

Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (U) [!].nes Does not load at all and causes program crash.

Crisis Force (J).nes Totally glitched graphic.

Crystal Mines (U).nes Cannot be run at all.

Crystalis (U).nes Some strange BBB at the left side of bottom panel. (But nice is that on NESEMU there isnt flickering like on FCEu.)

Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (U).nes When you play one player, or two player mode, run game and hit select, you enter the menu, where is Player Select. The menu is doubled. This is not in FCEu Emulator. And when I hit hard reset, when this menu is on, emulator chrashes. And there are too crashes of program, when hitting Soft Reset at the start of the game Double Dragon III and too crashes when hitting Hard Reset in Double Dragon II and Double Dragon I, there is glitching and freezing.

Excitebike (JU) [!].nes Strage sound, when holding B button. Bike goes faster, but sound is strange. It is normal and SAME on imbNES, FCEu and Famiclone Console. So NESEMU produces some strange sound on Excitebike.

F-1 Race (J).nes Ugly glitched graphic of ROAD.

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The (U).nes Game falls to glitch when jumping on the furniture at the start of the game. And there is a little cut of word when picking up item at the start of the game.

Fire 'n Ice (U).nes There is little flickering of little line at the bottom of the screen, not presented in FCEu.

Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (U).nes There is little flickering of little line at the bottom of the screen. It is less noticable in FCEu. And here is too problem with program crash when hitting Hard Reset, and Soft Reset, too in Flintstones, The - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! (U).nes

G.I. Joe (U).nes BEfore the game stars, there is some story and talking, and there should be a face on the monitor of some guy, but it isnt there, and it frozes there. The face is ok and game goes next on FCEu.

Gauntlet (U) [!].nes The first level is totally glitched, it looks like another level, totally bugged textures, it is mixed, it looks like randomly generated, I can walk throught walls, and it looks very different from when I run this game on FCEu.

Gauntlet II (U).nes Too bugged, level is mirrored and it looks like different level. The level is generated bad, there is exit nearly, and there should be digitized voice, but it is glitched. And there are too strange lines at the bottom. It is OK on FCEu.

Guerrilla War (U).nes Does not run at all, causes crash of the program.

Holy Diver (J).nes Cannot run game att all.

Jackal (U).nes Black screen after loading the rom.

Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (U).nes One flickering line at the bottom of the screen. Not presented in FCEu.

Kirby's Adventure.nes One flickering line at the bottom of the screen.

Lemmings (U).nes Glitched bottom menu at the game, to it freezes.

Lunar Pool (U).nes TOTALLY glitched graphic.

Marble Madness (U).nes Glitched text when there is calculating time in the game.

Micro Machines (U).nes There is little cut of the text when you choose the character, and there is bigger glitching are at the bottom of the screen, than on FCEu.

Pinball (JU).nes The sound if that 100 things is little lower quality than on the FCEu and Famiclon.

Prince of Persia (U).nes Little glitched at the left side when starting the rom, and at the opening screen.

Sky Destroyer (J).nes Sound is lower quality.

Soccer (JU).nes Audience sound is lower quality.

Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (U) [!].nes Glitched starting screen, doubled.

Super Mario Bros 2 (JAP).fds A little flickering line at the bottom of the upper writings.

Tom & Jerry and Tuffy (U).nes Bottom panel in the game is glitched and flickering.

Track & Field 2 (U).nes In the game mode FENCING, there is one line overlaying the character, not in FCEu.

Volleyball (U).nes The sound of the audience is lower quality.

Wacky Races (U).nes The sound of the bomb is little muffled.

Willow (U).nes Glitched graphic, freezes.

Comment #10

Posted on Dec 23, 2008 by Happy Panda

i have tried a few games in your list that i have found to be working, and i cannot reproduce the same errors.

Willow (U).nes - runs ok, shortly tested, win32 and linux Blaster Master (U).nes - runs ok, shortly tested, win32 and linux

and more explanation on a few:

Marble Madness (U).nes - required more accurate rendering, requires new renderer, not high priority. Kirby's Adventure.nes - requires fixed mmc3 irq, will be addressed soon Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (U) [!].nes - mapper not supported

these are just off the top of my head, will post later about all issues.

testing against fceu isnt very good. use a more accurate nes emulator, such as nintendoulator.

the sound issues will be fixed soon. i did not write the sound emulator, i simply borrowed it from matt conte. i plan on writing my own or using blargg's apu. sound will be fixed, this project is just an infant.

thanks for the issue reports.

Comment #11

Posted on Dec 23, 2008 by Helpful Bird

Willow (U).nes produces glitched graphics but Willow (U) [b1].nes runs OK. Blaster Master (U).nes cannot be loaded at all but Blaster Master (U) [b1].nes runs OK.

So what is difference between original (U) and all that [b1] [b2] [b3] [o1] [o2] and [o3]???? What that means???

Comment #12

Posted on Dec 23, 2008 by Happy Panda

those are overdumps and bad dumps. also, the ines header COULD be dirty. i will add some checks for dirty headers.

Status: Started

Type-Defect Priority-Medium