Side bar
Consists of 4 tabs: * contextual information for the current loaded page: rating (stars), description (editable), property values presented in a table * ontology manager (browsing available ontologies in the database, loading new ontologies, selecting ontologies for annotation) * a SPARQL editor for running queries * a resource browser listing statements matching given criteria. The browser should also contain a search form
Other notes: * enlarge panels when side bar size increases * display ontologies as a tree (resources / classes) * better icons * load PIMO initially * fix the first time launch issue * problem when loading ontologies. "no importOntology method":
<class 'dbus.exceptions.DBusException'>: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such method 'importOntology' in any interface at object path '/nepomukontologyloader' (signature 's')
- ~~The Nepomuk icon should be put on the top left of the side bar~~
- ~~Clicking on the Nepomuk icon should display a dialogue containing information about the add-on: Web page, License, authors, ...~~
- Add a keyboard shortcut for showing/hiding the Nepomuk side bar
Next steps: * visual wizard for queries * Possibility to annotate part of a Web page: paragraph, sentence, word.
Status bar
- ~~add a Nepomuk icon~~
- ~~use a smoother and smaller image for the stars~~
- draw a border around the description + tags so that the user understands it refers to NEPOMUK
Other tasks
- Create a complete use case putting into practice semantic annotations of Web pages using Nepomuk-Foxtrot + PIMO/NFO/NCO and implement it. The use case could consist for instance in creating the semantic relations between an event, its location, its attendees, its topics, its duration etc. The use case should also emphasize the possibility to draw links with local desktop resources (contact entries, local files, local pictures etc.).
- ~~In the ontology selection panel, each ontology should have a name, and the user should be able to add dynamically ontologies to the database~~
- Ontology panel: property loading should be in a thread
- Developer documentation
- ~~Tag synchronizer~~
- ~~Rewrite some tagging parts~~
- Go through the code and make it more robust
- Fix the Python exception occuring at first launch.
- ~~Release a new version~~
- Community involvement: NEPOMUK, XUL, Mozilla, Linux, Windows users/developers: create a wiki page listing existing resources (emails sent, relevant resources)