The realease note of Nepomuk Foxtrot 0.8.3
NOTE: Pyxpcomext is required to be installed before run Nepomuk Foxtrot, which brings Python support for mozilla extensions. It can downloaded from For more info about Python extension, please visit
1. What does Nepomuk-Foxtrot bring us?
Nepomuk-Foxtrot is one of the three parts of the Nepomuk project. Nepomuk-Foxtrot brings Firefox the semantic functions. The annotation can be easily managed due to the Nepomuk storage in KDE4/KDE4.1.
2. System Requirements
- Firefox 3.0 or newer
- KDE 4 environment with the nepomukserver process running
- org.kde.NepomukStorage service (usually launched by nepomukserver)
- python-dbus installed ("D-Bus python bindings for use with python programs."). For this first version, the installed files should be located in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages. This will be cleaner in further versions.
- Pyxpcomext, which brings Python support for mozilla extensions. It can downloaded from For more info about Python extension, please visit
- A 32-bits computer, because no 64-bits release of this extension is available yet!
3. Installation
We recommend you to download the XPI installation file from our Download page to install it. (
After you downloaded the file nepomuk-foxtrot-0.8.xpi, just open Firefox and click "Open File..." in the "File" menu or use the shortcut Ctrl+O. Then find the file you have just downloaded and click Open. It will be installed automatically. Before it works, a restart of firefox is required.
4. New Features in version 0.8.3
In this realease, we have some big changes and improvements: * A powerful Sidebar for Foxtrot featured with most of the functions. It includes three tabs: 1. Annotation Tab: List all the properties belong to the current web page. User can also add new relations for the page.
1. Ontology Tab: selecte and remove the ontologies.
1. SPARQL: This function is provided for the expert users of SPARQL who want to launch their own query. The result will be show as a mutil columns list.
Independence of Python-dbus. the dbus module of Python has been integrated into our Extension. User can use this extension without the installation of Python-dbus
Optimized list box display instead of Tree. To use listbox for result output instead of Tree makes the output more fast and avoid some strange problems.
ERRATA - version 0.8.3b
As it was pointed out by Stéphane Laurière while testing the add-on, the loading of ontologies does not work unless you have a patched Soprano version. We are waiting for an official Soprano version that includes the ontology loading.
The aim of that sub-release is to enable the ontology selection, without loading. You should use this version if you are not sure your Soprano version supports ontology loading.
Nepomuk-Foxtrot Team
YANG Chenguang & JEAN Nicolas