
Allow to annotate any and all Web data (including parts of Web pages) or local files from Firefox, emails from Thunderbird and to store the annotations in the Nepomuk metadata store.

NEPOMUK aims at empowering individual knowledge workers to better exploit their personal information space and to maintain fruitful communication and exchange within social networks across organizational boundaries.

The objective of Nepomuk-Mozilla is to annotate any and all Web data (including parts of Web pages) or local files from Firefox, emails from Thunderbird and to store the annotations in the default metadata store on Mandriva, i.e KDE4 metadata store. The advantage of using a common metadata store is to share annotations and ontologies across the applications instead of having them burried into each application information system, toward a "Personal Semantic Web". A first step consists of integrating Firefox and Thunderbird with the Nepomuk dbus service. A second step consists of harnessing this integration by developping addons for dealing with metadata, and to involve the community of Mozilla developers in the use of this shared desktop metadata store.

Project Information

Semanticweb Semanticdesktop MozillaAddon metadatastore KDE4 SocialDesktop Nepomuk