Nautilus extension to convert audio files to a different format, using the GStreamer framework.
Note: This project has moved over to the GNOME infrastructure.
Source can be checked out by the following command:
$ git clone git://git.gnome.org/nautilus-sound-converter
Bugs can be reported at: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=nautilus-sound-converter
NEW in 3.0.2. - "Rodeo Jones":
- Add support for 'audio/mp2' mime type. (#657940)
Translations: - Added Russian translation (Yuri Myasoedov) - Added Norwegian bokmål translation (Kjartan Maraas) - Added Arabic translation (Abdalrahim G. Fakhouri) - Added Polish translation (Piotr Drąg) - Added Esperanto translation (Kristjan Schmidt) - Added Serbian translation (Мирослав Николић)
NEW in 3.0.1 - "Too Small To Fail":
- Show text in progress bars.
Translations: - Added Danish translation (Joe Hansen) - Added Ukrainian translation (Serhij Dubyk) - Added Vietnamese translation (Lê Trường An) - Added Latvian translation (Rūdofls Mazurs) - Added Greek translation (Evangelos Vafeiadis)
NEW in 3.0.0 - "Came Without A Warning":
- Port to GTK3.
- Fix crash due to user deleting the cdlossy profile (#640931)
Translations: - Added Spanish translation (Jorge González) - Added Simplified Chinese translation (lainme) - Added Czech translation (Marek Cernocky) - Added Slovenian translation (Matej Urbančič) - Added Galician translations (Fran Diéguez) - Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (Gabriel F. Vilar) - Added Hebrew translation (Yaron Shahrabani) - Updated German translation (Mario Blättermann) - Updated Hungarian translation (Gabor Kelemen) - Updated Swedish translation (Daniel Nylander) - Updated French translation (Bruno Brouard)
NEW in 1.0.6 - "Hack The Sides Away" :
- Really fix the translation issue. Thanks to the gnome-mplayer folks for providing the solution.
- Fix distcheck, so root privilege isn't needed.
NEW in 1.0.5 - "Speaking in Tongues" :
- Fix bug so translations are actually used.
Translations: - Added Italian translation (Gianvito Cavasoli) - Added Hungarian translation (Peter Bojtos) - Added German translation (Michael Kogan)
NEW in 1.0.4 - "Jet Set Ready" :
- Remove partially created files when converting is canceled.
- Add support for 'audio/x-ms-wma' mime type. (Angel Marin)
Translations: - Added French translation (Christophe Perez)
NEW in 1.0.3 - "Good Luck in Jail" :
- Squashed a memory leak.
- Added gconf key to allow user to have the src directory be the default output destination. Read the README to set this. (Bug #11, #14)
- Tweak the ui. (Bug #15)
- Updated Swedish translation (Daniel Nylander)
NEW in 1.0.2 - "Strong Reaction" :
- Use opaque pointer instead of G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE.
Translations: - Added Swedish translation (Daniel Nylander)
NEW in 1.0.1 - "Collect from Clark Kent" :
- Add support for 'audio/x-musepack' mime type. (Bug #10)
- Bump minimum version of gstreamer needed to 0.10.20.
- Use status icon, so the user can hide progress dialog if they want.
NEW in 1.0.0 - "Mass Nerder" :
- Fix pipeline, so flacs tags are converted.
- Add support for 'audio/ogg' mime type.
NEW in 0.7.0 - "Breaking the Broken" :
- Add progress bar to show eta & speed of file conversion.
- Use gstreamer gio plugins.
- Minor tweaks to progress dialog.
NEW in 0.5.0 - "Wig Out at Denko's" :
- Add support for converting vorbis, mp3, aac, and wav files. (Bug #1)
- Fixed: check for minimum version of glib2 needed. (Bug #3)
NEW in 0.1.0 - "Losing Skin" :
- First release. ```