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Windows Build Instructions

To build LibOFA, you only need LibFFTW. If you want to build the complete example that actually generates a PUID from a .WAV file, you will need to install Expat and LibCURL as well.


  • Copy LibFFTW tarball to paralell dir.
  • undef #FFTW_DLL
  • compile


Download the Expat XML parser from here:


Unzip the contents into a directory called, "libcurl" in the same directory where you placed LibOFA. See the directory structure section below for additional details on this.


Download the package from:


Unzip the contents into a directory called, "libcurl" in the same directory where you placed LibOFA. See the directory structure section below for additional details on this.

Inside of libcurl\lib run:

lib.exe /def:libcurl-3.def

To generate the import library needed by MSVC++. Make sure that the "lib.exe" tool is in your search path.

Directory Structure

In order to get the project to compile from the Visual Studio .NET solution, you will need to set up a directory structure that looks like this:

C:\whatever libofa |---lib | |---AFLIB | |---JAMA |---include | |---ofa1 ; contains ofa.h |---examples |---win32 ; contains windows build files, libofa.def | |---Release ; contains the libofa.dll, libofa.lib after build (in release mode) | |---Debug ; contains the same as above, but in debug mode | . . . expat |---Source | |---Libs ; contains expat.h, libexpat.def | . . . libfftw3 ; Has no subdirs, contains libfftw3-3.def, libfftw3-3.dll, libfftw3.h |
libcurl |---bin |---docs |---include
| |---curl ; contains curl.h |---lib ; contains libcurl-3.def, libcurl-3.dll

Building LibOFA

Open libofa\win32\libofa.sln in MSVC++ and build from there. If all the dependencies were installed and placed into the right structure, LibOFA will build for you.