I'd like to see integration of the wishlist with both the search results view, and with the card view (beyond the inital "add to wishlist")
I'm thinking a visual indicator to show that the item's in the wishlist or not, clicking it will add or remove it (and change the icon, of course). I'd say that if you're colsolidating search results, the icon should be set agnostic, but if you're not consolidating, it should only be highlighting the one actually in your wishlist.
This'll really help if you're searching for cards to include in a deck.
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 20, 2012 by Swift ElephantPossibly load the wishlist on search result presentation, then pass a set list/count array (for that card) to and from card view (instead of re-parsing the list); on cardview load, if the array has values or is just empty (not null) we can skip the wishlist parse, adds work as are currently implemented (simple append); removals would probably be a forced parse (let me think more on it).
There's also a question as to how to display if it's in the wishlist. For non-consolidated search, it's boolean, but if we're consolidating or looking in card view, we'd need a triple-state icon ... in the current set, in any set, or not in the wishlist... gold, silver, and outlined [black], maybe?
Clicking a black icon would add one using the current set. Clicking Gold or Silver would pop a dialog with number input boxes for each set (so you can change the selection).
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 10, 2012 by Swift Elephantintegrated into card view, but not search (yet) ;)
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 18, 2013 by Happy HorseI'm satisfied with the current level of wishlist integration
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