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mtg-familiar - issue #26

Types in Card Search should be split into Types and Subtypes, and have a set checkbox form

Posted on Oct 13, 2011 by Massive Bear

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Open Card Search 2. Go to types... it's very free-form text box. Enchantment or artifact or human or what not need to be typed in manually. You can't search for more than one.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Should be a types and subtypes button (like Set / Format / Rarity), with a radiobox popup list.

Types should contain: Artifact Basic Creature Enchantment Instant Land Legendary Ongoing Plane Planeswalker Scheme Snow Sorcery Tribal Vanguard World

And subtypes should contain: Advisor Ajani Alara Ally Angel Anteater Antelope Ape Arcane Archer Archon Arkhos Artificer Assassin Assembly-Worker Atog Aura Aurochs Avatar Badger Barbarian Basilisk Bat Bear Beast Beeble Berserker Bird Boar Bolas Bolas's Bringer Brushwagg Camel Carrier Cat Centaur Cephalid Chandra Chimera Cleric Cockatrice Construct Crab Crocodile Curse Cyclops Dauthi Demon Desert Devil Djinn Dominaria Dragon Drake Dreadnought Drone Druid Dryad Dwarf Efreet Egg Elder Eldrazi Elemental Elephant Elf Elk Elspeth Equilor Equipment Eye Faerie Ferret Fish Flagbearer Forest Fortification Fox Frog Fungus Gargoyle Garruk Giant Gideon Gnome Goat Goblin Golem Gorgon Gremlin Griffin Hag Harpy Hellion Hippo Hippogriff Homarid Homunculus Horror Horse Hound Human Hydra Hyena Illusion Imp Incarnation Insect Iquatana Ir Island Jace Jellyfish Juggernaut Kaldheim Kamigawa Karn Kavu Kirin Kithkin Knight Kobold Kor Koth Kraken Lair Lammasu Leech Leviathan Lhurgoyf Licid Liliana Lizard Locus Lorwyn Manticore Masticore Meditation Mercadia Mercenary Merfolk Metathran Mine Minion Minotaur Mirrodin Moag Monger Mongoose Monk Moonfolk Mountain Muraganda Mutant Myr Mystic Nautilus Nephilim Nightmare Nightstalker Ninja Nissa Noggle Nomad Octopus Ogre Ooze Orc Orgg Ouphe Ox Oyster Pegasus Pest Phelddagrif Phoenix Phyrexia Pirate Plains Plant Power-Plant Praetor Rabbit Rabiah Rat Rath Ravnica Realm Rebel Rhino Rigger Rogue Salamander Samurai Sarkhan Satyr Scarecrow Scorpion Scout Segovia Serpent Serra's Shade Shadowmoor Shaman Shandalar Shapeshifter Sheep Shrine Siren Skeleton Slith Sliver Slug Snake Soldier Soltari Sorin Spawn Specter Spellshaper Sphinx Spider Spike Spirit Sponge Squid Squirrel Starfish Surrakar Swamp Tezzeret Thalakos Thopter Thrull Tower Trap Treefolk Troll Turtle Ulgrotha Unicorn Urza's Valla Vampire Vedalken Venser Viashino Volver Wall Warrior Weird Werewolf Whale Wildfire Wizard Wolf Wolverine Wombat Worm Wraith Wurm Yeti Zendikar Zombie Zubera

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 1.0

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 13, 2011 by Massive Bear

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #2

Posted on Oct 14, 2011 by Happy Horse

Actually, you can type in as many types as you want, and it will search for all cards with all types. Searching for type "zombie goblin" and "goblin zombie" both return the same results.

A spinner for supertypes could be done. It would make the view more cramped when the user just wants to search by subtype, since half the row would go unused. A radiobox for supertype is the wrong way to go, since a card is not limited to one supertype (ex Dryad Arbor)

Comment #3

Posted on Oct 14, 2011 by Massive Bear

Whoops! I meant checkbox! And good to know about the multiple types thing, although it's not immediately intuitive.

Types is definitely more convenient as a checkbox list; I don't know about subtypes. Maybe if it was on another page, instead of as a popup? Could be tricky to implement. Hmmm.

Comment #4

Posted on Jan 31, 2012 by Happy Horse

I'll have autocomplete for supertype, but not subtype. Maintaining subtype means patching the autocomplete dictionary, which i dont want to do.

Comment #5

Posted on Feb 1, 2012 by Happy Horse

Added in R180, someone verify this and close the ticket

Comment #6

Posted on Feb 3, 2012 by Happy Horse

Searching for supertype "Plane" returns "Planeswalker" too. Might wanna fix this...

Comment #7

Posted on Dec 9, 2012 by Happy Horse

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: Verified

Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium