mtg-familiar - issue #23
Lengthy card search results page should use enhanced scrollbar
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. In Card Search, select Blue and search 2. Try and scroll through a zillion terrible, game-breaking, widely-hated blue cards. I dare ya! If your eyes don't start quickly bleeding, try to make it to the bottom.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The scrollbar should get wider for you to select, and then after you grab it, should show the first letter to indicate where you are in the list as you scroll. Music (and many other programs) do this if you have a long list (like in Music, if you view by Song).
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 1.0
Please provide any additional information below. I had actually tried a blank search to see if the massive number of results would break my phone (an HTC Evo 3D, admittedly a very faster and RAMful phone)... but it was still very quick and only had a 26MB RSS. So... kudos on that one!
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 13, 2011 by Happy CatFix: add the android:fastScrollEnabled="true" to the appropriate listView in the XML
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 17, 2011 by Happy HorseSlightly more complicated to do the alphabet thing, but it's written, tested, and finished
Comment #3
Posted on Oct 17, 2011 by Happy Horsefixed in r64
Comment #4
Posted on Oct 20, 2011 by Massive BearVerified fix. Might be nice if the scrollbar could be made a wee bit more transparent.
Status: Verified