mtg-familiar - issue #128
Issue: adding cards to trade list does not change total value for the trade
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. 2. 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
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Please provide any additional information below.
Issue: adding cards to trade list does not change total value for the trade. Expected result: when adding one or more cards to the list of traded cards for either person changes/updates the total value of all cards (located under the add button), or makes similar change to total value when changing the number of a given card, of the set. Actual result: total value of cards never changes from $0. Steps taken: placed card (akroma, angle of wrath) on left side (left side total reads as 0). Changed number of copies from 1 to 3 no change to total. Added 2 of a card to the right side(draco) total remained at 0.
Partial resolution: back out of trade, and re enter, and values will update. In order to update totals requires exiting that subprocess, and re-entering it. This update should happen whenever the value, or number of a card is changed, or whenever a card is removed.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 11, 2012 by Swift PandaPlease assign to Jon.bettger@gmail.com, and mark as defect. Reformatting would also be appriciated.
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 12, 2012 by Happy Horse(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 29, 2012 by Happy HorseFixed in R539. Turns out doneLoading never gets set to true if the autocomplete file doesn't exist (like the first time it's opened. If that's the case, the total price won't update.
Comment #4
Posted on Dec 9, 2012 by Happy Horse(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Verified