
My Emacs Web Development Environment

UPDATE : New Php Mode

I tested with emacs23 environment; both vista and ubuntu hardy; even works with yasnippet mode together; just disable abbrev-minor-mode, or if you are insert phptemplate, function etc; after typing and tabbing completion; type M-Space then going on; it works fine...

Download here :

Emacs Web Development Environment with html-css-javascript-php-smarty support.

Additional open source php cms support within Emacs like Drupal, Textpattern and Serendipity...

Those things not new but this is complete my web development tools and codes, especialy for GNU Emacs and Win32 Environment.

Mewde Introduction

What Comes with Mewde

Project Information

emacs gnu php xhtml smarty css opensource dotemacs msf-abbrevs nxhtml win32