Week 1
- 25/08 Mon: Introduction
- 27/08 Wed: Frenet curves, torsion, curvature, global theory of curves (K2)
- 29/08 Fri: curves II Unique Existence of Solutions to ODE
Week 2
- 03/09 Wed: curves III
- 05/09 Fri: surfaces, Gauss-Bonnet, Gauss map (P10) (K3) (K3B) (K4F)
Week 3
- 08/09 Mon: surfaces II
- 10/09 Wed: surfaces III
- 12/09 Fri: Gauss's theorema egregium (K4C)
Week 4
- 15/09 Mon: intrinsic geometry and covariant derivatives (K4A,K4B)
- 17/09 Wed: L10: hyperbolic space (P2) (K3.44)
- 19/09 Fri: conformal geometry (P8)
Week 5
- 22/09 Mon: L12: Riemann surfaces, moduli spaces (P8)
- 24/09 Wed: Riemann surfaces II
- 26/09 Fri: minimal surfaces, Kelvin problem (P10.5) (K3D)
Week 6
- 29/09 Mon: L15: minimal surfaces II
- 01/10 Wed: computers and differential geometry optiverse video optiverse commentary surface evolver minimal surface gallery boy's surface
- 03/10 Fri: the group of rotations and quaternions (P11) (K7D)
Higher Dimensions
Week 7
- 06/10 Mon: No meeting
- 08/10 Wed: manifold (P12) (K5A) (M1)
- 10/10 Fri: manifold II --FIRST ESSAY DUE
Week 8
- 14/10 Tue: L20: Riemannian manifolds, tangent and cotangent spaces (P12) (K5C)
- 15/10 Wed: vector fields, 1-forms, (P2) (P14.7) (K5D) (M22)
- 17/10 Fri: differential forms, tensor products, exterior square, Stokes theorem
Week 9
- 20/10 Mon: differential forms II
- 22/10 Wed: review, covariant derivative, Riemannian curvature tensor
- 24/10 Fri: Riemannian curvature, sectional, Ricci, scalar curvature, torsion, Riemannian connections (P14.4) (K5D) (K6B) (K6C) (M24)
Week 10
- 27/10 Mon: curvature II
- 29/10 Wed: curvature III
- 31/10 Fri: geodesics, exponential map, parallel transport (P14) (K4B) (M23) (M24)
Week 11
- 03/11 Mon: geodesics II
- 05/11 Wed: Lie derivative (P14.6) (K5D) (M16)
- 07/11 Fri: Lie groups (P13) (M4) --SECOND ESSAY DUE
Week 12
- 10/11 Mon: Lie groups II
- 12/11 Wed: Lie groups III
- 14/11 Fri: Lie gropus IV
Week 13
- 17/11 Mon: De Rham cohomology, and Poincare duality (P12.5) (M11) (M12) (M13)
- 19/11 Wed: De Rham II
- 21/11 Fri: De Rham III
- 24/11 Mon: De Rham IV
Week 14
- 01/12 Mon: classification of surfaces
- 03/12 Wed: Poincare conjecture
- 05/12 Fri: triangulating a manifold --THIRD ESSAY DUE
Week 15
- 08/12 Mon: Whitney embedding
- 10/12 Wed: holonomy
- 12/12 Fri: general relativity (P18 P19) (K8B)