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Course Information

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This course is a natural continuation of Algebra 1, Math 2500. It is possible to take Algebra 2 out of sequence, by starting with Algebra 2 and then taking Algebra 1 afterwards.

  • MATH 2501-1060
  • LEC 13620
  • ALGEBRA 2 (Lecture)
  • Monday Wednesday and Friday 1:00PM - 1:50PM
  • 525 Thackeray Hall
  • Jan 6, 2010-May 1, 2010
  • Instructor: Hales
  • Text: "Abstract Algebra" by Dummit and Foote, 3rd edition

In this course the fundamental properties of rings, fields, and modules are studied. Topics in ring theory include ideals, quotient rings, principal ideal domains (PIDs), polynomial rings, and unique factorization domains. This course will introduce basic notions of category theory including universal properties. Modules, exact sequences, injective and projective modules, the classification of modules over a PID, canonical forms, and basic commutative and homological algebra will also be treated.