For now I add the whole mail so that I don't forget about it.
We use RDF for publishing fire incidents in Amsterdam, see Nodalities Issue 12 for some hints about it ( nodalities_issue12.pdf Open Government Data for fighting fires: when no traffic rules apply). We use Openstreetmap for visualization and we would like to enrich the interface with any information that might be good to know, like what is around this position. For example I tried this URI:,4.8624311/200
This gives a lot of entries with no direct class assigned, like:
lgd:node693505021 lgdo:contributor lgd:user195219 lgdo:memberOfWay lgd:way55160440 georss:point 52.3045119 4.8623823 geo:lat 52.3045119^^xsd:decimal geo:long 4.8623823^^xsd:decimal
This is not that much of a problem as we can figure out that it's a SpatialThing with the predicate. However, I am interested in getting everything that does not have a predicate memberOfWay (or its respective class, it does not seem to provide an ontology yet on this link). Like this we could basically show everything else which might be of interest to the fire fighters.
Let me give some examples: - give me everything which is not a street (requires support for negation in the REST interface) - give me all buildings
From what I could figure out I can use openstreetmap classes like Atm but when I tried querying for Amenity (so the "base" class) I did not get any results.
So to summarize I would like to be able to: - use negation in the REST interface - use implicit classes of predicates as well, even if there is no rdf:type assigned to a subject
Status: Accepted