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linkedgeodata - issue #16

Bug with ways and superclasses

Posted on Apr 29, 2011 by Quick Lion

There seems to be missing data and/or something going wrong with the Rest API.

The corresponding way for http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/90129392 is missing - http://linkedgeodata.org/page/way90129392.rdf gives an empty page.

Also search on superclasses such as Amenity are broken.

http://linkedgeodata.org/page/near/42.5070967,20.1645424/1000/class/Amenity or http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/near/51.033333,13.733333/1000/class/Amenity

However it works for e.g. Pub: http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/near/51.033333,13.733333/1000/class/Pub

http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/1067435847 http://linkedgeodata.org/page/node1067435847.rdf are empty as well.

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-High