Some resources are created using "heterogeneous" functions and can be
deleted through multiple cleanup functions.
HANDLE user32.LoadImage(
LPCTSTR lpszName,
UINT uType,
int cxDesired,
int cyDesired,
UINT fuLoad
creates handles of 3 (three) different types which are (according to
documentation) should also be removed using a particular cleanup:
Bitmap - DeleteObject
Cursor - DestroyCursor
Icon - DestroyIcon
but in practice I've seen commercial libraries using DeleteObject for all
cases which leads me to believe it is beneficial that multiple ways to
cleanup are allowed.
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 22, 2009 by Swift CatAlso, some functions: SetWindowRgn( HWND hWnd, // handle to window HRGN hRgn, // handle to region BOOL bRedraw // window redraw option ); for example, transfer the handle ownership to the system when a handle is destroyed automatically after it is no longer needed - such a case would also be covered by introducing multiple cleanups and assigning it as an explicit cleanup for HRGN handles.
Status: Accepted