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k-framework - Downloads.wiki

Warning: If you only want to use the K tool, but not extend it, then you are strongly recommended to instead download its binary or virtual machine from the official K Framework site. This Googlecode project only contains the source code of the K tool, which you will have to checkout and then compile and configure yourself. This may not be worth the effort unless you are a K tool user who wants to extend it or a K tool developer.

Checkout the Source Code

For Users

Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code: svn checkout http://k-framework.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ k-framework-read-only

You can replace "k-framework-read-only" above with whatever local directory name you want to use. Note that, obviously, you will not be able to commit any changes (indicated by the "read-only").

For Developers

If you are a developer and plan to make changes, use this command to check out the code as yourself using HTTPS:

svn checkout https://k-framework.googlecode.com/svn/trunk k-framework --username your-user-name

Replace "your-user-name" appropriately. Note that the command above is different from the command on the Source page (since Googlecode does not allow us to edit that page). When prompted, enter your generated googlecode.com password.

GUI and IDE access

This project's repository may be accessed using many different client programs and plug-ins. See your client's documentation for details.

Building the K Tool

After checkout, to build the K tool from source code (it requires JDK and ant) follow the instructions in the README file.

Rolling Back (developers only)

To undo changes in the trunk made in a specific revision N:

First, cd to your working directory (e.g., ~/k-framework/):

cd ~/k-framework

And then run this:

svn merge -c -N https://k-framework.googlecode.com/svn/trunk

where "N" is the revision number you want to undo. This will reverse the changes made in revision N, but only in your working copy. This is the simplest kind of fix you can do. After you verify that the correct reversion has taken place locally, you still need to svn ci. You can find out the revision numbers of commits by looking at the https://code.google.com/p/k-framework/source/list page.

To revert the changes only to a particular file:

svn merge -c -N https://k-framework.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/A/B/C/fileToRevert.k ~/k-framework/A/B/C/fileToRevert.k

Where, again, N should be replaced with the revision you want to "roll back". For more complicated fixes, see svn help merge.