Compares several JUnit reports and creates a comparison table. Curently quite simple, more to be done.
- Initial info: http://ondra.zizka.cz/stranky/programovani/java/apps/JUnitDiff-junit-test-results-report-comparison.texy (Markdown is not able to format tables)
- Code is at GitHub: https://github.com/OndraZizka/junitdiff
- Download / Maven repo is here.
Create the XML file aggregated from several JUnit test runs.
java -jar JUnitDiff.jar ( dir | TEST-foo.xml | report-paths-list.txt | zip )+
Transform the resulting XML file to HTML
./transformToHTML.sh AGG-TEST.xml
A table like this:
| Test name | report 1 | report 2 | report 3 | report 4 | |:----------|:----------|:----------|:---------|:---------| | org.jboss.qa.Test1 | OK | FAIL | OK | OK | | org.jboss.qa.Test2 | FAIL | OK | OK | | | org.jboss.qa.Test3 | OK | FAIL | OK | OK | | org.jboss.qa.Test4 | | FAIL | FAIL | OK |
Also, the FAILed tests will link to the most probable known issue causing the failure.
Sample result
Project Information
The project was created on Nov 16, 2011.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 2 stars
- git-based source control