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Migration to Tomcat 7

If Using tomcat 7 as container for development you could see a JS pop up with this error message, following each http request: "CSRF Security Error"

It's due to DWR in tomcat 7, just follow what reported in this link to sort out the issue:


In particular edit the tomcat/conf/context.xml of tomcat 7 installation and put the useHTTPOnly on the Context element: <Context useHttpOnly=”false”>

Problems with the GoogleCode's ssl certificate

If using mercurial (directly, or through your IDE) you are receiving a message like:

certificate error: certificate is for *.googlecode.com, googlecode.com, *.codespot.com, *.googlesource.com, googlesource.com

This is usually because the Googlecode's SSL certificate can match only to a third level domain, and you are using a fourth (or more) level domain (for example: version3.jugevents.googlecode.com).

A simple workaround is to add the certificate fingerprint to your mercurial configuration file (.hgrc in your homedir).

For example, for the current fingerprint of the certificate for version3.jugevents.googlecode.com:

[hostfingerprints] version3.jugevents.googlecode.com = 89:6D:FB:E5:4A:7E:72:91:DB:0B:EE:72:9F:60:A7:29:65:FD:E1:10

You can obtain the fingerprints using the following command:

openssl s_client -connect version3.jugevents.googlecode.com:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin