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jquery-jstore - issue #4

Clarify the provenance of jStore.swf

Posted on Mar 31, 2009 by Happy Wombat

Since the jStore.swf source is not included, it is not completely clear where the code came from, or that it is covered by the same license as the rest of the project.

Could you please clarify where the jStore.swf came from?

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 9, 2009 by Quick Bird

Sorry, the comment on the ownership of the jStore.swf file is found in the file-level docblock of the Flash engine.

/*! * jStore Flash Storage Engine * Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Garside (http://eric.garside.name) * +++++jStore.swf Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Bulli (http://www.nuff-respec.com)+++++ */

This file is a renamed version of CB_Cookie.swf, which can be viewed, source and all, from this URL: http://www.nuff-respec.com/file_download/22/CB_Cookie.zip

Here is the blog post about Bulli's flash cookies: http://www.nuff-respec.com/technology/cross-browser-cookies-with-flash

There was no licensing attached to any of the files, except attribution to his site, which remained intact.

Status: Done

Type-Defect Priority-Medium