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jquery-datatables-row-grouping - issue #13

Table rows indented differently in HTML are group separately

Posted on Nov 11, 2011 by Helpful Dog

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Use version 1.1.2 of row grouping with version 1.8.2 of datatables 2. Create a simple table with multiple html elements inside the grouping column <td>'s, each on a separate line. 3. Indent the html of one row differently than the others. 4. Call rowGrouping() on oTable.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Should recognize that content in grouping column's are identical. Instead, separate groups are created for each row that is indented differently.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Use version 1.1.2 of row grouping with version 1.8.2 of datatables

Please provide any additional information below. Example in this jsBin: http://live.datatables.net/eyatew/5/edit#preview

Look at the "Gecko Extra element in header" group(s). There should be only one since both row's grouping columns contain the same content.

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 11, 2012 by Happy Panda


You are right. I'm starting with this issue - you can expect that it will be resolved in next version hopefully today).

Regards, Jovan

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 11, 2012 by Happy Panda


In the version 1.1.3.This problem is fixed. See example on the http://jquery-datatables-row-grouping.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/issue13.html. Could you please let me know has this fix corrected problem in your example too?

Thanks, Jovan

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-High