
jMonthCalendar is a full month calendar jQuery plugin that supports events.


jMonthCalendar is a full month calendar that supports events written as a plugin for jQuery. You simply initialize the calendar with options and an events array and it can handle the rest.

|General Notice|I am looking for some help from people to maintain this project, there are many requested features and I can't get to all of them on my own quickly enough.| |:--------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|



  • Integrate DateJS library to handle date parsing and manipulation
  • Multi-day events
  • Unified build process
  • Easy to use
  • Theme roller support
  • jQuery UI support/migration/branch


Sites using jMonthCalendar

  • Comming Soon

If you are using jMonthCalendar please drop me a line (email: and I will include a link to you for others to see. Thanks, Kyle.

Project Information

javascript jquery plugins calendar events date