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iredmail - iRedOS_Installation.wiki

summary iRedOS Installation Guide

***************************** WARNING ******************************** * We don't provide ISO image of iRedOS anymore, please use kickstart * * file instead. It's the easiest and fastest way to install the * * latest iRedMail on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS. * * Read more: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1890.html * ***************************** WARNING ********************************

Get Installation Media

  • Download lastest version of iRedOS iso image from Mirror site, file size is about 420M: http://www.iredmail.org/iRedOS/

  • Check md5 before you go further.

    • You can use WinMD5 (free software) on Windows to validate MD5 value.
    • You can use 'md5sum' command on Linux: ```

      md5sum iRedOS-0.1.2-i386.iso

* You can use 'md5' command on BSD:

md5 iRedOS-0.1.2-i386.iso


  • If md5 check is pass, use Nero/K3B/cdrecord or other tools to burn the ISO image for operating system installation.

iRedOS Installation Details

Note: Please refer to */root/iRedMail.tips* for all related configure files after you complete installation.

  • Use the CD you burned to boot your server, and start it from CDROM. It will show the welcome screen:


  • Type 'Enter', it will prompt for hard disk partition:


  • After you disk partition, you should configure network setting and hostname.

    Note: Hostname must be Fully qualified domain name, e.g. mail.iredmail.org, www.example.com, etc.


  • Time Zone:


  • root password.

    Warning: It will start to format hard disk and install packages after you click 'Next'.


  • Installing packages:


  • It will start iRedMail installation wizard after system installation complete:


  • Welcome page of iRedMail installation wizard:


  • Choose the directory which used to store users' mailbox.

    Warning: It will take many disk space if users store their mail on mail server, e.g. users use webmail only or use IMAP protocol in their mail user agent only.


  • Choose backend to store virtual domains and virtual users.

    Note: Please choose the one you are familiar. Here we use MySQL for example.


  • Set MySQL root password:


  • Set MySQL account 'vmailadmin' password.

    Note: vmailadmin is used for manage all virtual domains & users, so that you don't need MySQL root privileges.


  • Set first virtual domain. e.g. iredmail.org, example.com, etc.


  • Set admin user for first virtual domain you set above. e.g. postmaster.


  • Set password for admin user you set above.


  • Set first normal user. e.g. www.


  • Set password for normal user you set above.


  • Enable SPF Validation, DKIM signing/verification or not.


    • We recommended you set SPF dns record for your domain not matter you choose SPF valication feature or not.
    • If you enable DKIM signing and verification feature, you must set DKIM dns record for your domain.


  • Enable managesieve service or not. It's used for your mail user to customize mail filter rules, vacation, mail forwarding. It's recommended.


  • Enable POP3, POP3S, IMAP, IMAPS services or not.

    Note: If you don't enable one of these features, it will install 'procmail' program for local mail deliver.


  • Choose your prefer webmail programs.

    Tip: If you use OpenLDAP as backend above, Roundcube, Horde webmail will use OpenLDAP as global LDAP address book by default.


  • Choose optional components. It's recommended you choose all.
    • phpMyAdmin: web-based MySQL database management.
    • Awstats: apache and postfix log file analyzer.
    • Mailgraph: simple mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Postfix and Sendmail that produces daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of received/sent and bounced/rejected mail.



  • If you choose Awstats as log analyzer, you will be prompted to set a username and password.



  • Set mail alias address for root user in operation system.

    Warning: It must be a validate email addres, and it's not recommended you use the address which hosted in your mail server.


  • After above settings, it will install and configure packages automaticlly.



  • It will return to system installation wizard page when it complete configuration.


  • Reboot your system and enjoy.