
OpenGL Utility Library for iPhone OS


iGLU is an implementation of the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) for iPhone OS.


iGLU is based on the GLU source included with Mesa 7.2, which in turn derives from the SGI OpenGL Sample Implementation. All code derived from SGI's source is licensed under the SGI Free Software License B version 2.0. All other code is licensed under the MIT license.


To compile for the simulator: make ARCH=i386 PLATFORM=iPhoneSimulator

To compile for a device: make ARCH=armv6 PLATFORM=iPhoneOS

This produces libGLU.a, which you can add to your iPhone project (along with include/glu.h).

Comparison with Standard GLU

iGLU does not include GLU features that depend on OpenGL functionality missing in OpenGL ES 1.1.

Available features:

  • Matrix manipulation
  • Polygon tessellation

Missing features:

  • Mipmapping
  • Quadrics

For more information on these features, see the GLU 1.3 specification.

Project Information

iphone opengl glu