Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Day Two
Day One Wrap Up
Emilio will lead a short wrap up of Day 1 activities.
Common Data Model (CF/SWE/O&M)
(Kyle) Part 1: O&M / SWE Common encoding for the scientific feature types defined by CF conventions / the Common Data Model.
- Output format needs to be useable by the community
- IOOS GML was not the solution, too verbose
- CSV has has positive reception
- Need to add metadata block to CSV output so it is completely self describing.
Should we be able to translate the SWE output into a Binary NetCDF output fairly easily?
Support multiple observedProperties and offerings, even if offerings are on different frequencies. How should we represent the different offerings?
- MultipleBlocks
- Less fill values. Each offering only has to return the observedProperties that apply to itself, not all of them that are requested.
- Multiple CSV blocks means more output parsing and POTENTIALLY more verbose output.
- Offerings are usually on a common frequency, resulting in even less fill values.
- SingleBlock
- Less description metadata since it is all encompassed in one block.
- More fill values for offerings that do not support all requested observedProperties.
- Offerings on different reporting frequencies can further increase the verbosity of the output.
- MultipleBlocks
Can we simplify the FeatureTypes into just a few outputs?
- Can point and timeSeries be represented as a timeSeriesProfile with less data? Is this acceptable?
- Can trajectory and trajectoryProfile be represented in the same output format?
The Time Block
How to describe times in the responses.
Identifying the FeatureType
See: IdentifyingTheFeatureType
How and Where to describe the Geometry
- timeSeriesProfile
- location
- depths (if not varying by time)
<gml:pos>-76.3 45</gml:pos>
- trajectoryProfile
- the trajectory path
- should we include the time and depth associated with each trajectory point here?
<gml:pos>-76.3 45 8</gml:pos>
The Position Vector Block
How to describe the position of an asset inside of <om:result>
Which featureTypes need position information inside of the result block? * timeSeriesProfile - point location will need to be represented elsewhere, so why repeate the location in each line of CSV? * trajectoryProfile - depending on where we are listing the actual path (geometry), we may not need to verbosely list each position.