Video and Audio resources on REST topics
| Title | Presenter | Comments/Synopsis | |:----------|:--------------|:----------------------| |RESTful BPM | Cesare Pautasso | | Some REST Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns) | Cesare Pautasso | | |The Role of Hypermedia and the Future of Web Integration | Guilherme Silveira | | Rest Business Process | Guilherme Silveira | rule machines on the rest clients | | Rest from Scratch part 1 | Guilherme Silveira | | Rest from Scratch part 2 | Guilherme Silveira | | Rest from Scratch part 3 | Guilherme Silveira | |RESTful Application Protocols, From Design to Implementation | Ian Robinson | MSDN Channel9 TechTalk | | RESTful Enterprise Development with Atom and AtomPub | Ian Robinson | | |The Counterintuitive Web | Ian Robinson | |Web-based Integration | Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, and Stefan Tilkov | Interview at QCon London 2009 | |Using REST for SOA | Stefan Tilkov | |REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web's Architecture | Stefan Tilkov | |REST, Web Services and More (interview) | Stefan Tilkov | |REST, Reuse, and Serendipity | Steve Vinoski | |RPC and its Offspring: Convenient, Yet Fundamentally Flawed | Steve Vinoski | Insightful review of what the industry has been trying to do for the last 15 years | |RESTFest 2010 Talks | RESTFest Attendees | |An Introduction to REST | Joe Gregorio | A fifteen minute overview of REST | |RESTful Approaches To Financial Systems Integration | Kirk Wylie |Good case study on REST system including discussion on versioning media types | |Teach a Dog to REST | Brian Mulloy | Talks about API design, mostly mapping URIs to resources (no hypermedia) | |Resource Oriented Architecture Using REST | Alex Antonov | | |Does REST Need Middleware? | Bill Burke | | |WS-* vs. REST | Sanjiva Weerawarana | Presents a case that REST is not so easy/simple/scalable as its proponents tout | | Why REST? | Aaron Skonnard | REST Overview from Microsoft DevDays 2010. | | REST and the Web as a Platform | Subbu Allamaraju | An interview in which he discusses "real life issues of RESTful architectures. He also describes a pragmatic approach of adopting the Web as an integration platform and shares his opinion on OAuth. " | |Hypermedia APIs| Jon Moore | Excellent talk on the practical benefits of hypermedia from Oredev 2010|
RESTFest 2010
| Title | Presenter | Comments/Synopsis | |:----------|:--------------|:----------------------| | EventList Media Type | Darrel Miller | Lighting talk on a tracking user events before committing to persistent storage | | Ditch Your Complex Client | Erik Mogensen | Lighting talk | | Large Lists | Erik Mogensen | Lighting talk on using hypermedia to aid list navigation | | Hypermedia Driven Clients | Darrel Miller | Lighting talk |