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implementing-rest - Restfulie_Ruby.wiki


Restfulie first version was released in Ruby and supporting Rails on the server side. While most frameworks up to Restfulie's release allowed users to create Restful systems, Restfulie forced users to adopt a Restful approach.

You can see Restfulie's features at http://restfulie.caelumobjects.com/restfulie_features

Client Example

The following example shows how to execute a GET, POST and further delete requests

``` order = Order.from_web resource_uri

puts "Order price is #{order.price}"

sends a post request to create a payment

order.pay payment

sends a delete request

order.cancel ```

Server Example

The following example shows how an order can be configured to contain both a self, cancel and payment relations. This will automatically add support to resource representations as xml, json and atom:

class Order acts_as_restfulie |order, t| t << :self, {:action => :show} t << :pay, {:action => :create, :controller => :payment } end end