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implementing-rest - Pinky.wiki


This is a stub article for Pinky, a REST/MVC Glue Web Framework for Scala.

From the Pinky wiki:

Pinky is a Scala REST/MVC glue web framework built on top of Guice and Guice Servlet 2.0.


* No custom template language
* (almost) No XML configuration
* URL/template mapping is convention based but can be easily overwritten
* Form generator/validator
* Jdbc helper
* akka integration
* scheduler for akka jobs
* comet integration (based on jetty7 continuation , note it does not require a jetty container though)
* Out of the box support for the following representations:
  * XML (via xstream or scala)
  * JSON (via xstream or json lib)
  * RSS 2.0
  * FreeMarker
  * Velocity
* Controllers are plain old servlets
* Filters are implemented as plain old filters
* Filters/Servlet creation and mapping are managed by Guice
* Out of the box support for REST via managed servlets
* AOP support for servlet/filters and for regular components (via Guice)
* No learning curve (we are dealing with plain old servlets/filters after all)
* Dependency injection (powered by Guice)
* Scoped components ie Request, Session, custom scopes (powered by Guice)
* Ease access to other Guice modules like warp-persist for db persistance
* Easy access to Request/Response objects
* Easy to integrate with existing projects (thanks to servlets)
* Easy to extend
* new API to deal with jdbc
* support for form generation and validation