yfrog URLs
How does yfrog URL looks?
Typical look of yfrog URL is:
In what countries yfrog is available?
We have following domain names
- yfrog.com
- yfrog.ru
- yfrog.com.tr
- yfrog.it
- yfrog.fr
- yfrog.co.il
- yfrog.co.uk
- yfrog.com.pl
- yfrog.pl
- yfrog.eu
How to guess content type stored in given yfrog URL?
Use last character of yfrog URL path to determine content type
- j; JPEG
- p; PNG
- b; BMP
- t; TIFF
- g; GIF
- s; SWF
- d; PDF
- f; FLV
- z; MP4
- x; Gallery, contains multiple items; may contain mixed content (video and images)
yfrog URL ending with other letters possibly point to HTML documents and should be opened with web browser.
I need to obtain URL of video static frame picture, how can I do that?
- Make sure that your yfrog URL ends with 'z' or 'f' (MP4 or FLV video)
- Construct URL like
. For example,http://yfrog.com/0u6mcz:frame
. It will point to frame picture
I need to obtain image, optimized for iphone, how can I do that?
- Make sure that your yfrog URL denotes image content, see above
- Construct URL like
. For example,http://yfrog.com/0kratsj:iphone
I need to obtain raw video file to show in built-in video player inside my application. How can I do that?
- **Make sure that your yfrog URL ends with 'z' or 'f' (video)
- Construct URL like
. For example,http://yfrog.com/0kratsj:iphone
. It will point to MP4 file.**
I need to obtain thumbnail version of image or video, how can I do that?
- Make sure that your yfrog URL denotes image or video content (not SWF or PDF), see above
- Construct URL like
. For example,http://yfrog.com/0kratsj.th.jpg