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imageshackapi - RedirectAPI.wiki

Redirect API


We are annoncing new type of API - redirect API, that allows to integrate your website with ImageShack by placing a special form that will upload images to ImageShack and pass the results to your scripts.


Endpoint URL for redirect API is http://imageshack.us/redirect_api.php for image uploads/transloads and http://render.imageshack.us/redirect_api.php for video uploads/transloads. Only POST HTTP requests are accepted. For uploads form should have enctype set to multipart/form-data


Redirect API uses the same parameters as ImageshackAPI. The ImageShack developer key parameter (key) is mandatory Plus, there are some specific parameters:

  • success_url - URL to redirect in case of success. This URL can include following placeholders:
    • %u Uploaded picture/video URL (link to ImageShack page)
    • %y Uploaded picture/video URL (link to yfrog.com page)
    • %s ImageShack server
    • %b ImageShack bucket
    • %i ImageShack filename

Example: http://bit.ly?url=%y will be substituted with something like: http://bit.ly/?url=http://yfrog.com/fbtwitterlogowp

  • error_url - URL to redirect in case of error. This URL automatically receives two GET parameters
    • error - error code
    • message - human-readable error message string

Sample form

