
A simple program to convert images to Ascii Art'>

The project has been moved to Sourceforge

Yeah, google code won't allow me to upload files anymore, so i had to move. A pity, since google code was easier when dealing with simple projects like this one.'>

Click here to go to sf

Older versions will be available here until G decides to shut this too, as they have done with reader and other services. Still i strongly recommend to get the newer versions stored at sf.

A simple program that converts images into Ascii Art. It has font controls, uses different char palettes and adjusts for x-y size ratio.

It has been written using Lazarus/ FreePascal , so it should compile in Linux, Mac, Win and other plataforms.'>

The Current version is 0.7.0, that includes several bugfixes and improvements over previous versions.

Project Information

The project was created on Apr 15, 2012.

AsciiArt Pascal Lazarus Linux opensource Windows