What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Firefox 4.0.1 2.Install https-finder 0.34 3.Observe that adding rule functions 4.Upgrade to .45,.48, .49, or .50 5.Switch site to HTTPS 6.Click "save rule" multiple times without action 7.Check rules folder, no rule added 8.remove addon, delete sqlite 9.reinstall addon, issue persists 10.downgrade to .34, saving rule functions
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? v0.50, Firefox 4.0.1, Fedora Linux
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Swift OxThank you for the bug report. I can't seem to reproduce this problem in Fedora 12 or Fedora 14.
Can you check the Firefox error log and tell me what the error you're getting is? It should be logging something every time you click "Save Rule" when it doesn't do anything. Go Tools > Error Console > Errors.
Does the problem occur on a certain website, or on any site?
Also, the sqlite database is created the first time you run the extension. If you delete it manually you will have to switch the "firstrun" preference to true again (or your whitelist may not work). Go to the URL "about:config:" and type "extensions.httpsfinder.firstrun". Switch it to true and restart - your whitelist will be recreated.
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Swift OxBy the way, I fixed the "firstrun" sqlite problem. The table is now automatically recreated when you restart firefox (if it was manually deleted).
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Helpful KangarooThanks for the quick response!
I get this error on every page:
Error: Application.extensions is undefined Source File: chrome://httpsfinder/content/browserOverlay.js Line: 585
//Firefox versions below 4.0 else{ LINE 585>>>>>if(!Application.extensions.has("https-everywhere@eff.org"))<<<<<<<<<<< nb.appendNotification(httpsfinder.browserOverlay.stringsBundle.getString("httpsfinder.main.NoHttpsEverywhere"),
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Swift OxComment deleted
Comment #5
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Swift OxOkay I think I have the issue fixed. I was relying on a Firefox version number such as 4.0.1 to be compared as a long/real type to 4. This wasn't happening (So it was using the pre-4.0 version of checking for other extensions). Nightly builds of Firefox such as "6.0.a1" will not be converted to a number type anyway... I am now checking the first character of the version only.
Here's the download: https://code.google.com/p/https-finder/downloads/detail?name=httpsfinder051.xpi
Please let me know if you're still having problems with it. Thanks again!
Comment #6
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Swift Ox(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #7
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 by Helpful KangarooDone and done, Thank you very much!
Status: Fixed