Haskell binding to the MPFR library.
MPFR is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding.
- import the MPFR number type and associated operations available in Haskell in two flavours:
- as pure values + functions and
- as mutable values and in-place operations in the ST monad
- stable releases on HackageDB
- version 0.3.3 can be built using either integer-gmp or integer-simple BUT using hmpfr with a non-modified integer-gmp causes infrequent serious errors
- see these notes on how to compile ghc with a modified integer-gmp to prevent a clash with hmpfr (or any other library that uses gmp)
- version 0.3.2 can be used with ghc only if it was compiled with integer-simple instead of integer-gmp
- see these notes on how to set up ghc and common libraries without integer-gmp
- version 0.3.2 supports
mpfr 2.4.*
as well as3.0.0
Project Information
The project was created on Feb 15, 2011.
- License: New BSD License
- hg-based source control