Note: the code repository has been moved to https://github.com/terryyin/hfcca. You can always download the lastest version and track issues from here.
Header Free Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer
hfcca is a simple code complexity analyzer without caring about the C/C++ header files or Java imports. It can deal with
Java /C/C++ Objective C.
It counts
the nloc (lines of code without comments), CCN (cyclomatic complexity number), token count of functions. parameter count of functions.
You can set limitation for CCN (-C), the number of parameters (-a). Functions that exceed these limitations will generate warnings. The exit code of hfcca will be none-Zero if there are warnings.
This tool actually calculates how complex the code 'looks' rather than how complex the code real 'is'. People will need this tool because it's often very hard to get all the included folders and files right when they are complicated. But we don't really need that kind of accuracy when come to cyclomatic complexity.
It requires python2.6 or above (early versions are not verified).
hfcca.py is only a single python file, and everything is in that single script. You can always use it without any installation.
python hfcca.py
If you want a proper install:
[sudo] pip install hfcca
Or if you've got the source:
[sudo] python setup.py install
hfcca [options] [PATH or FILE] [PATH] ...
Run for the code under current folder (recursively):
Exclude anything in the tests folder:
hfcca mySource/ -x"./tests/*"
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Output in verbose mode (long function name)
-C CCN, --CCN=CCN Threshold for cyclomatic complexity number warning.
The default value is 15. Functions with CCN bigger
than this number will generate warning
Limit for number of parameters
-w, --warnings_only Show warnings only, using clang/gcc's warning format
for printing warnings.
-i NUMBER, --ignore_warnings=NUMBER
If the number of warnings is equal or less than the
number, the tool will exit normally, otherwize it will
generate error. Useful in makefile when improving
legacy code.
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE
Exclude files that match this pattern. * matches
everything, ? matches any single characoter,
"./folder/*" exclude everything in the folder,
recursively. Multiple patterns can be specified. Don't
forget to add "" around the pattern.
-X, --xml Generate XML in cppncss style instead of the normal
tabular output. Useful to generate report in Jenkins
-P, --no_preprocessor_count
By default, a #if will also increase the complexity.
Adding this option to ignore them
number of working threads. The default value is 1.
Example use
Analyze a folder recursively: hfcca mahjong_game/src
NLOC CCN token param function@line@file
10 2 29 2 start_new_player@26@./html_game.c
... 6 1 3 0 set_shutdown_flag@449@./httpd.c
24 3 61 1 server_main@454@./httpd.c
2 file analyzed.
LOC Avg.NLOC AvgCCN Avg.ttoken function_cnt file
191 15 3 51 12 ./html_game.c
363 24 4 86 15 ./httpd.c
!!!! Warnings (CCN > 15) !!!!
66 19 247 1 accept_request@64@./httpd.c
Total NLOC Avg.NLOC Avg CCN Avg token Fun Cnt Warning cnt Fun Rt NLOC Rt
554 20 4.07 71.15 27 1 0.04 0.12
Warnings only (in clang/gcc formation):hfcca -w mahjong_game
./src/html_ui/httpd.c:64: warning: accept_request has 19 CCN and 1 params (66 NLOC, 247 tokens)
./src/mahjong_game/mj_table.c:109: warning: mj_table_update_state has 20 CCN and 1 params (72 NLOC, 255 tokens)
Project Information
The project was created on Feb 18, 2011.
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 21 stars
- svn-based source control