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hcslib - Install.wiki


Tested on the following platforms: * Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (x86) * OS: * Linux 2.6.26 * Mac OS X 10.6.3

The following libraries are required to compile: * Boost * BLAS/LAPACK * Gaol version 2.0.2 * with mathlib-2.0.0 (distributed with Gaol) * VNODE-LP version 0.3 + some modification * Available at Downloads page * optional CppUnit

Install Instruction

  1. Install the Gaol library (version 2.0.2)
    1. First, install mathlib-2.0.0 $ cd mathlib-2.0.0 $ ./configure $ make $ make install
    2. Next, install Gaol $ cd gaol-2.0.2 $ ./configure --disable-trust-rounding $ make $ make install
      • Use --disable-trust-rounding option to run VNODE-LP rigorously
      • Some workarounds may be needed to run on 64bit OSs
      • After the installation, make check should successfully run 8 tests (CppUnit is required)
  2. Compile VNODE-LP
    1. Modify makefile to include a correct config file
    2. Run make
      • Compiles the library under lib, and runs tests under tests (the last test may take some time)
  3. Compile HCSLib
    1. Modify Makefile.cfg if needed (e.g., pass to the VNODE-LP library)
    2. Run make
      • Compiles the following objects:
      • elisa/libelisa.a: Elisa library for solving RCSs
      • hybrid/libelisa-hybrid.a: library for solving HCSs
      • example/rcs/rcs-example: example that solves an RCS
      • example/rcs-solver/rcs-solve: command-line solver for RCS benchmarks
      • example/hcs/hcs-example: example that solves an HCS
      • example/hcs-simulation/hcs-simulate: example that simulates a hybrid system
      • example/hcs-solver/hcs-solve: command-line solver for HCS benchmarks