What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Paste HAR into text box 2. click preview 3. find the timeline is not correct
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I saw misaligned timeline chart.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
HAR 1.2 collected from Fiddler
Please provide any additional information below.
I am trying to use the online HarViewer tool on http://www.softwareishard.com/har/viewer/ to check a HAR file that I collect from Fiddler. It is very nice to see those good-looking timeline waterfall charts, and the statistics in the Pie charts. I immediately notice that must something wrong with the timeline charts. The 6th resource showed at the beginning of the chart (time 0). I attached the screeshot of the page, as well as the HAR file, and the timelien chart captured from Fiddler.
Please attach a HAR file that can be used to reproduce the problem.
- www-cnn-com.har 188.74KB
- www-cnn-com.png 25.86KB
- Screenshot.png 112.3KB
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Massive WombatThis is actually a feature and not a bug.
In case there is a time gap between the end of a request and the beginning of the next request the waterfall diagram "breaks the layout" and starts displaying requests from the beginning of the graph (the left side) again. This helps to better use the horizontal scale (time).
The default limit is 1000ms and it's exceeded between the 5the and 6the request in your example.
However you can change the limit by a cookie, just set e.g: phaseInterval=5000 (you can use Firecookie, the Firebug extension, http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/firecookie)
See also: http://code.google.com/p/harviewer/wiki/Customization
You are not the first one who is actually confused by this "layout" feature, so if you have any proposals how to improve it, please let me know!
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Swift GiraffeThanks for the explanation. If there is an indication on the chart, that will help.
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Massive WombatWhat kind of indication would you expect? Honza
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Swift GiraffeOn the popup window when mouse over, show the actual started time instead of "0ms start". Another indication may be to insert a new row above the left-started item to specify the interval.
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