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BrowserMob Proxy

Imports and settings ```

from selenium import webdriver from urllib import urlencode import httplib import time

BrowserMob Proxy API

PROXY_API_HOST = "localhost" PROXY_API_PORT = "8080"

Temporary proxy for browser you create via BrowserMob Proxy.

PROXY_HOST must be equal to PROXY_API_HOST


Network configuration


HAR Storage

HARSTORAGE_HOST = "localhost" HARSTORAGE_PORT = "5000" ```

HTTP handler: ```

class HttpRequest():

def init(self, hostname, port): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port

def send(self, method, path, body=None, headers=None): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.hostname, self.port)

if body is not None and headers is not None: connection.request(method, path, body, headers) else: connection.request(method, path)

response = connection.getresponse().read()


return response ```

Browsermob Proxy: ```

class BrowserMobProxy():

def init(self, proxy_api_host, proxy_api_port): self.http_request = HttpRequest(proxy_api_host, proxy_api_port)

def create_proxy(self, proxy_port):

Base URL for API requests

self.base_url = "/proxy/" + proxy_port

Proxy initialization via REST API

path = "/proxy?port=" + proxy_port

self.http_request.send("POST", path)

def create_har(self, page_id): parameters = {"initialPageRef": page_id, "captureHeaders": "true", "captureContent": "true"}

path = self.base_url + "/har?" + urlencode(parameters)

self.http_request.send("PUT", path)

def fetch_har(self): path = self.base_url + "/har"

return self.http_request.send("GET", path)

def limit_network(self, bw_down, bw_up, latency): parameters = {"upstreamKbps": bw_up, "downstreamKbps": bw_down, "latency": latency}

path = self.base_url + "/limit?" + urlencode(parameters)

self.http_request.send("PUT", path)

def terminate(self): path = self.base_url

self.http_request.send("DELETE", path) ```

HAR Storage: ```

class HarStorage():

def init(self, host, port): self.http_request = HttpRequest(host, port)

def save(self, har): path = "/results/upload"

headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Automated": "true"}

body = urlencode({"file": har})

return self.http_request.send("POST", path, body, headers) ```

Browser: ```

class Firefox():

def init(self): self.profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()

def set_proxy(self, proxy_host, proxy_port): self.profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http", proxy_host) self.profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http_port", int(proxy_port)) self.profile.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 1) self.profile.update_preferences()

def launch(self): self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile = self.profile) ```

Top-level script ```

if name == "main":

BrowserMob Proxy constructor


Temporary proxy initialization


Change browser settings

firefox = Firefox() firefox.set_proxy(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT) firefox.launch()

Network emulation


Create new HAR container


Navigate to target webpage

firefox.driver.get("http://www.google.com/") time.sleep(2)

Read data from container

har = bmp.fetch_har()

Send results to HAR Storage

harstorage = HarStorage(HARSTORAGE_HOST, HARSTORAGE_PORT) print harstorage.save(har)

Close the browser


Terminate proxy

bmp.terminate() ```

HttpWatch Professional Edition

Imports and settings ```

from selenium import webdriver from urllib import urlencode import httplib import time

HAR Storage

HARSTORAGE_HOST = "localhost" HARSTORAGE_PORT = "5000" ```

HTTP handler: ```

class HttpRequest():

def init(self, hostname, port): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port

def send(self, method, path, body, headers): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.hostname, self.port)

connection.request(method, path, body, headers)

response = connection.getresponse().read()


return response ```

HAR Storage: ```

class HarStorage():

def init(self, host, port): self.http_request = HttpRequest(host, port)

def save(self, har): path = "/results/upload"

headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Automated": "true"}

body = urlencode({"file": har})

return self.http_request.send("POST", path, body, headers) ```

Top-level script ```

if name == "main":

Initialize HttpWatch plugin

controller = win32com.client.Dispatch("HttpWatch.Controller")

Start new browser instance

plugin = controller.IE.New()

Start recorder


Navigate to target webpage

plugin.GotoUrl('http://www.google.com/') controller.Wait(plugin, -1)

Stop Recorder


Export recorded session to HAR file

filename = "C:\sample_test.har" har = plugin.Log.ExportHAR(filename)

Read content of stored file

with open(filename) as file: har = file.read()

Send results to HAR Storage

harstorage = HarStorage(HARSTORAGE_HOST, HARSTORAGE_PORT) print harstorage.save(har)

Close the browser

plugin.CloseBrowser() ```