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harstorage - Changes.wiki

History of changes

1.0 - Mar 25 2012 * Fixed bugs * Improved error handling

1.0b - Mar 03 2012 * Added histogram feature * Added new MongoDB options * Added new metrics on timeline * Custom views for aggregation * Improved performance * Updated HighCharts library (v2.2.0) * Fixed bugs * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.6 - Dec 23 2011 * Added chart theme customization * Added MongoDB options * Added error documents * Enhanced HAR Viewer (auto height) * Enhanced aggregation of test resuls (more metrics) * Fixed performance of database queries * Refactored core Pylons components * Added automated tests * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.5.2 - Dec 14 2011 * Fixed versioning of static files * Fixed combining of static files * Fixed critical bugs in HAR library

0.5.1 - Nov 26 2011 * Fixed critical bug in HAR library

0.5 - Nov 25 2011 * Added domain breakdowns * Added additional time metrics * Added Page Speed binaries for Windows * Added onclick events for timeline charts * Optimized performance * Updated HighCharts library (v2.1.9) * Fixed support of Charles Proxy * Fixed bugs in HAR library * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.4 - Nov 07 2011 * Improved cross-browser compatibility * Redesigned aggregation and comparison of test results * Updated HighCharts library (v2.1.7) * Added full-tab HAR Viewer * General UI enhancements * Added removing of all test results from a set * Added links to project documentation * Fixed many bugs * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.3 - Oct 23 2011 * Added Windows as supported platform (w/o Page Speed) * New data tables features: reordering and export * Enhanced upload mechanism * Added custom time metrics * Ajax optimization * Fixed HAR Viewer integration * Updated usage guide * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.2 - Sept 18 2011 * New data tables * Timeline optimization * New selectors design * JS performance optimization (+LABjs) * Optional Page Speed integration (via config files) * Removed all external JS libs * Code cleanup and refactoring

0.1 - Aug 27 2011 * Initial release