!BAT set COMMA= set OP= if not "%MAKEACT%%%DOLBA%%%LEAVE23%%%LEAVE3%"=="" set OP=$[0107]\x20 (OPTIONS: set OP=%OP%a=Make-Active && set COMMA=, set OP=%OP%%%COMMA%LBA=Adjust-LBA && set COMMA=, set OP=%OP%%%COMMA%23=Leave-Ptn2&3 && set COMMA=, set OP=%OP%%%COMMA%3=Leave-Ptn3 echo -e %OP%) %redir%
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
expect a=Make-Active, LBA=Adjust-LBA, 23=Leave-Ptn2&3, 3=Leave-Ptn3)
actual a=Make-Active, LBA=Adjust-LBA%COMMA3=Leave-Ptn2&3%COMMA=Leave-Ptn3)
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? all latest versions
Please provide any additional information below.
works OK in .cfg file
%2 and %3 are being interpreted as argument parameters??
Is this a bug or just a feature?
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 25, 2014 by Happy Hipposet OP=%OP%%%COMMA%3=Leave-Ptn3 change to set OP=%OP%%%COMMA%%3=Leave-Ptn3
because %n will replace with argument when scan line. '%%' will replace with '%'
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 26, 2014 by Happy KangarooOK
Comment #3
Posted on Oct 3, 2014 by Happy Hippo(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Done