What steps will reproduce the problem? echo -n -e \n1 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n2 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n3 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n4 &; call Fn.70 0 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n5 &; call Fn.70 0 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n6 &; call Fn.70 0 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n7 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n8 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred echo -n -e \n9 &; call Fn.70 2 > nul &; echo -e -n \x20fred
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? 1 fred 2 fred 3 fred 4 fred 5 6 7 8 fred 9 fred
This seems strange behaviour???
Two bugs???
- I can see that if value is 2 then it returns true and if value is 0 then it returns false - but shouldn't it return True always unless function failed?
- Also, why does &; not seem to work - it is behaving like &&???
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.4.5c latest Oct 2013
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 26, 2013 by Happy Hippo1.Fn.70 setcursor setcursor returns the old cursor_state
e.g. setcursor(0) setcursor(1) return 0 setcursor(2) return 1 setcursor(2) return 2
- &; like && &; |; ;; will run with new line
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 27, 2013 by Massive KangarooAs mentioned above, setcursor returns old cursor state, so it can not be treated as a TRUE-FALSE value. You may ignore the return value.
Status: Invalid