
Versatile graph and automata drawing tool

Graph Tool

This is a program that demonstrates many algorithms related to graph and automata theory. * You can easily create graphs and automata using the simple and effective GUI by placing nodes and edges with your mouse. * Watch complex graphs untangle themselves by simulating elastic tension on edges. * Generate random directed and nondirected graphs. * Generate nondeterministic automaton that accepts a language represented by a given regular expression (examples here). * Automatically convert a nondeterministic automaton to an equivalent deterministic one. * Minimize a deterministic automaton. * Apply numerous graph algorithms including finding connected components, finding shortest paths, K-clustering, Euler paths, checking bipartiteness, computing cyclomatic number, etc. * Save screenshots of the displayed graphs or export them as text files.


Download the binary and check out the sources for example graphs. Requires .Net Framework version 4.0 or higher.

Project Information

The project was created on Mar 1, 2014.

C DotNet automata graphs formal-languages regular-expressions windows