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gong-wpf-dragdrop - issue #41

MultiSelection Mode Doesn't Work Well.

Posted on Nov 8, 2011 by Quick Wombat

What steps will reproduce the problem? (I took SchoolsExmaple sample code in Code Project for example.) 1. Extract SchoolsExample.rar and open project. 2. add GongSolutions.Wpf.DragDrop.dll in referencs and run it. 3. check list item. 4. check checked item again.

Then you can see checking doesn't work.

Hi! First of all I want to thank you all for your wonderful work. I try to take you dll for drag and drop but it doesn't work well. In attached file you can see what is my problem. When I remove ListBox's SelectionMode="Multiple" then it's a little bit fine. I think it's because mouse click prblem on list box(which is able to drag and drop) Help me. Thank you.


Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium