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gmarks-android - issue #53

Browser sync not working on Samsung Galaxy S II

Posted on May 14, 2011 by Happy Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Enable browser sync in settings and select a label 2. Open the stock browser and go to bookmarks

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I'd expect to see the bookmarks from the selected label but they do not appear.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.6.6 on Gingerbread (2.3.3).

Please provide any additional information below. I suppose this is related to Samsung's optimized stock browser since this feature works fine on my ZTE Blade (CM7/Android 2.3.3).

Comment #1

Posted on May 14, 2011 by Happy Horse

Hmm, yes I've tested it on other 2.3 devices and sync works, so it's probably related to Samsung's modifications to the browser. Unfortunately I don't think Samsung offers emulators for any of their devices other than the Tab.

If you have send me your browser.db I could look at it to figure out how to make it work, but beware that I'd be able to see all of your Android browser bookmarks as well as history. You'd have to use ADB to pull it from the device.

Comment #2

Posted on May 14, 2011 by Happy Ox

Perfect, I'll try to get browser.db off the phone tomorrow. No privacy concerns here - I've only had the phone for a couple days and have not used the browser that much yet.

Comment #3

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Happy Horse

So the default browser database is in /data/data/com.android.browser/databases/browser.db

You do have some browser bookmarks already, right? It will be easier to figure out what to fix if I know what to look for.

Comment #4

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Happy Ox

Still don't have access to my own PC so I haven't been able to get the database file from the phone. I should be able to do that this evening though. I have however found out some more info that I thought I'd add straight away so I only need to upload the file later.

I actually had no browser bookmarks at all when reporting so I attempted to add one. However, when I attempted to add a bookmark to a location that I already had under the Google Bookmarks label that was configured in GMarks to sync with the browser I got the error message "Already in use" in the "Add bookmark" dialog. So it seems that the bookmarks are in the database but are not displayed.

I then added a bookmark to another location and this worked fine. It even worked with GMarks sync, i.e. after forcing a GMarks sync the bookmark showed up under the expected label in Google Bookmars. I then deleted this bookmark from the Google Bookmarks web interface but this change never propagated back to GMarks, i.e. after a new forced sync in GMarks the bookmark was still there in GMarks (but still deleted from Google Bookmarks). After a "Full Sync" in GMarks the bookmark once again showed up in Google Bookmarks.

I will upload the database tonight together with a description on what bookmarks are created/visible in the Android browser.

Comment #5

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Happy Ox

Turned out to be a bit trickier to use "adb pull" on the db file then I thought it'd be (haven't used adb for other stuff than logcat on my CM7 phone before). Keep getting "permission denied". My phone isn't rooted anymore after a FW update if that's related. Anyways, I'll look into it again tomorrow.

Comment #6

Posted on May 16, 2011 by Happy Horse

So deletes don't propagate from Google servers to GMarks, that's because there's no record of it being deleted that I can detect. The only way to tell is to re-sync everything, which would take a long time and waste battery life if GMarks did that every time. So the only way to sync bookmarks that were deleted from the server is to do a "full sync."

Permission problem trying to pull database.db is probably because you're not rooted.

See if you can do this:

$ adb shell

sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.browser/databases/browser.db

(you might get a permission denied error - if you get 'not found' that just means it's in a different place.) sqlite3> .tables

Comment #7

Posted on May 16, 2011 by Happy Ox

Finally got the database off the phone. Needed to root it again but I intended to do that anyway. It was located in "/data/data/com.android.browser/databases". The only bookmark I've added in the stock browser and also the only one visible in the browser is for URL "http://mobil.idg.se/". The label that I've tried to sync from Google has 11 other bookmarks(i.e. 12 in total including "http://mobil.idg.se/") and these include for example: "http://www.sl.se" and "http://mobil.tvmatchen.nu".


Comment #8

Posted on Aug 16, 2011 by Helpful Camel

Hello, same problem on samsung galacy Ace running 2.2.1. No bookmark in Stock Android Browser (all bookmark are only sync/displayed into GMarks App)

Comment #9

Posted on Oct 10, 2011 by Massive Wombat

some problem here, using Samsung Galaxy S II.

All syncs go to GMarks, but not displayed in stock browser.

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium