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gmarks-android - issue #44

FR: Bookmarks should be sortable

Posted on Mar 7, 2011 by Swift Bird

It would be nice to be able to configure the sorting order of the Bookmarks in the main GMarks Screen and also in the label-specific folders ("alphabetic" or "last modified" / up or down).

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 7, 2011 by Swift Bird

this isn't a defect, but i couln't categorize it as "Feature Request".

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 14, 2011 by Happy Horse

Well, it's difficult to sort labels by last modified since technically the labels aren't modified, the bookmarks are. It's doable, but not straightforward.

So currently you can sort labels by count or alphabetically. Once you're looking at a bookmark list (either the 'all bookmarks' list or bookmarks for any label) you can sort the bookmarks by alpha or last modified.

The "Sorted by date" on the "All bookmarks" item is not really accurate now; 'all bookmarks' could be sorted by title. I need to change that string.

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 14, 2011 by Swift Bird

Hi, i don't want to sort the labels, I want to be able to sort the bookmarks with a specific label. So that all bookmarks of a label will be displayed in the configurated order (on the program screen, and in the dynamic folders).

At the moment, all bookmarks "in" a label are sorted by modification time. Only the labels themselves are sorted by alphabet.

Comment #4

Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Happy Horse

So in GMarks, when you click on a label, you see a list of bookmarks. Tap the menu key. You should see an option to sort by alphabetical order. So you can sort bookmarks by either alpha or modification time.

If you're saying you'd like to be able to put bookmarks in any order you want, well... I'll consider it but it would take quite a bit of work.

Really, the quickest way to access any bookmark is probably the search function. Auto-complete lets you tap out usually just a few letters to find the bookmark you're looking for. I understand this isn't at all what you're asking for, but just suggesting an alternative.

I'll keep this in the backlog and if enough people ask for it I might consider implementing it. This is another item that the Google Bookmarks webapp doesn't itself provide, and my core aim is to create the most straightforward access to the Google Bookmarks service as it exists.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Comment #5

Posted on Mar 16, 2011 by Swift Bird

Comment deleted

Comment #6

Posted on Mar 16, 2011 by Swift Bird

the live folders for each label are the most important feature i use, and without an option to sort the contents of such an folder, it's very difficult to find a specific bookmark.

Thanks for considering my wishes :)

Status: New

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Backlog