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gmarks-android - issue #40

Translate: Solvenian

Posted on Feb 26, 2011 by Happy Horse

Here is the English file. strings.xml contains the text for the app. When you see %d in a string it means "a number will be inserted here" and %s means a word.

For example "Search results for \'%s\'" will become "Search results for 'blog'". If it's not appropriate to 'quote' a term in your language then you can remove the \' around %s.

You can attach your completed file to this issue. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for your help!


Comment #1

Posted on Feb 27, 2011 by Happy Monkey

Here is the translation, notify me when you update your app in the market with this localization so i can inspect if every translation is in the place i assumed it is, and notify me if you find any difficulties with the translation (some parts i had extended in order for the same meaning to come across in my language, i can shorten it but i need to know the context in which it is shown) great app by the way :D


Comment #2

Posted on Feb 27, 2011 by Happy Horse

Thanks Franci!

Unfortunately there are some problems with some of the character set in the file. If you open it up in a code editor you need to change the character set to UTF-8. You can use Notepad++ for Windows (I think the setting is under 'Format'.) On Mac you can use TextWrangler and change the charset using "Edit->Document Options..."

Then re-save and re-upload. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks again!

Comment #3

Posted on Feb 27, 2011 by Happy Monkey

forgout about that, here is the fixed file


Comment #4

Posted on Feb 28, 2011 by Happy Horse

Slovenian is in the latest build posted to the downloads page so you can try it out to test the translations. Thanks!

Status: Fixed

Localization Component-UI Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement