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get-flash-videos - issue #579

Abort after Suggested File names

Posted on Apr 4, 2015 by Massive Wombat

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.get_flash_videos https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/libya-tale-two-governments-100328378.html 2.As you will see, it aborts after I select a descriptive file name of these 2 3.Guessed https://s.yimg.com/nl/ynews/site/player.js trying... Using method 'generic' for https://s.yimg.com/nl/ynews/site/player.js There are different suggested filenames, please choose: 1 - player.js 2 - Libya__A_tale_of_two_governments_-_Yahoo_Maktoob_News.flv Which filename would you like to use?: 2 Downloading https://s.yimg.com/nl/ynews/site/player.js... Sorry, file does not look like a media file, aborting. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Hoping to download this video on Libya from Maktoob What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? No version number displaying, but probably 1.25 in Debian Please provide any additional information below. I have seen this many times, but since I am just a user-and-not a programmer, I have no idea why.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium