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get-flash-videos - issue #578

Can support be added for the cwtv.com?

Posted on Feb 26, 2015 by Happy Cat

Can support be added for cwtv.com? Like PBS, they have abandon RTMP (.flv) for HLS (.m3u8).

According to https://github.com/moneymaker365/plugin.video.ustvvod/blob/master/resources/lib/stations/thecw.py, the information file could be obtained from http://metaframe.digitalsmiths.tv/v2/CWtv/assets/$media_id/partner/132?format=json in which $media_id is a part of the program URL. For example, http://www.cwtv.com/shows/reign/the-king-is-dead-interview/?play=b8c75b54-47c2-4f3e-95f2-fe4cacd4edee would produce http://metaframe.digitalsmiths.tv/v2/CWtv/assets/b8c75b54-47c2-4f3e-95f2-fe4cacd4edee/partner/132?format=json

THe smithsonianchannel.com is also using HLS (.m3u8).

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium